Marketing Goals – Looking Backwards and Forwards

Jul 11, 2023

The year’s half over, so now is a good time to ask if you’ve achieved your marketing goals for 2023.

✅ If the answer is yes – great job! Keep up the good work!

❓ If the answer is, “What marketing goals?” – it’s not too late to set some.

What kind of goals? That all depends on what you’re trying to accomplish.

When CMO2Go worked with a firm that was eager to explore new ways to generate business from both new and existing clients, we set four priorities:

🧩 Starting a cross-marketing initiative
🧩 Identifying the best networking groups to join
🧩 Creating short, very targeted client lists of potential new clients
🧩 Printing marketing materials

You may have different needs, but you always need goals to work on. That’s why our first priority with clients is to create a strategic marketing plan and set specific goals.

And if your answer to whether you’ve achieved your goals is, “not yet,” well, there’s good news – it’s also not too late. You’ve still got half a year left!

You may be taking a break over the summer or slowing down. But that makes the summer months a great time to lay the groundwork for what you’re going to do in the fall.

With a solid plan and a few more months, you can achieve everything you’ve got planned and make progress in your marketing.

Need help in achieving your marketing goals? Contact us and let’s get started.