When you’re looking for marketing help for your law firm, what questions should you ask?
Many law firms have a lot of marketing to do, but not enough experienced hands on deck. As fractional CMOs and marketing directors who have hired many law firm marketers for the Am Law 100 and 200 firms we’ve worked for, many people don’t know the right questions to ask to find a good fit.
Here are some questions to consider:
➢ What types of firms/companies have you worked with?
➢ What marketing initiatives have you managed or worked on?
➢ What types of marketing or business development challenges have the firms you’ve worked with faced, and how have you addressed them?
➢ What marketing goals have those firms had, and how have you helped them achieve those goals?
➢ How have you resolved competing interests among different groups of stakeholders at your past firms?
You also need to ask yourself a couple of questions before hiring.
➢ Will the candidate’s personality mesh with the lawyers and current team members? This can be tricky, but it’s worth considering as a good mutual fit is beneficial for all involved. If you’re working with a recruiter, the recruiter will help weed out people who aren’t a good fit.
➢ Can the prospective marketer offer something you’re lacking? You might already have someone on your team who is great at execution, but you really need someone to help you with strategy – or vice-versa. Do you need someone to focus on marketing, business development, communication, all of the above?
Asking the right questions is our specialty. CMO2Go can be your extra set of hands, integrating seamlessly into your existing team, bridging the gap as you build out your team, energizing the department and getting your law firm marketing running as efficiently and effectively as possible. Ask us how.