A few weeks ago, one of Erika Steinberg’s LinkedIn posts about the importance of law firm marketing strategy provoked a thoughtful question –
“How does understanding your WHY lead to remarkable marketing success?”
Here’s the story of one recent client’s journey towards understanding their WHY – and their definition of “remarkable marketing success”:
A midsize firm with a 40+ year history in their community was concerned that a leadership transition and a new name might scare the clients they’d worked so hard to cultivate.
They hired us to figure out an effective way to assure the clients that they’d receive the same amount of attention and white-glove service as before.
We suggested starting with a strategic marketing planning meeting to outline their priorities including refreshing the website, communicating the leadership changes, and ensuring that the messaging around all of this made clients feel both reassured and enthusiastic.
To understand the firm’s WHY, we interviewed three lawyers, each with a distinct experience with the firm –
There was a partner who was the firm’s historian because he’d been there for 30+ years. Another had a keen sense of how the firm had evolved in the 10 years they’d been there.
A third was a recent arrival with a fresh perspective about where the firm could go.
The three shared one single guiding light. Client experience was at the center of everything.
The CLIENT was their WHY.
Understanding this, we were able to craft a clear message throughout all communications, sending every client a beautifully worded letter outlining what was happening and what it meant for them.
We offered a reassuring sense of continuity while emphasizing the significant abilities the new leaders would bring to the firm.
The clients stayed happy, and all was well.
Here’s what you can take from our experience:
🧩 When you create messaging for your law firm, being unified on your “WHY” is crucial.
🧩 Remarkable marketing success is as much about keeping your ideal clients happy as it is about getting new ones.
Are you clear on your firm’s WHY – and how to create effective messaging around it?
Let’s talk about it.