You’ve Made Your Strategic Plan. Now What? (Part 2)

Sep 5, 2023

Last week we talked about how sometimes, law firm stakeholders get carried away with too many ideas for their marketing strategy.

But there’s another common problem that can derail your marketing plan: You’ve chosen a project but don’t know where to start.

Choosing a starting point can feel overwhelming for many people. For example, if a law firm decides they need a website refresh, they’ll wonder if they should start by finding a web developer. Or should messaging work come first? A new logo?

So many choices can cause analysis paralysis. And that’s where we come in.

Here’s how we turn a list of projects on a page into an action plan:

🧩 We create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals.
🧩 We decide on the first action items, put someone in charge of each item, and determine what resources they need.
🧩 We create and calendar a first step for each item with a clear plan for follow-up.

Decision paralysis can cause a project to simply die on the vine. But SMART goals can keep it growing. And whether you need help with strategy or implementation, we’re here to help.